
Smarter Annotated Response Tool
Welcome Educators!
Learn to Score Student Writing the SmART Way
Use the Smarter Annotated Response Tool (SmART) to better understand how student writing is scored on Smarter Balanced assessments and support writing instruction in your school or classroom. Browse a range of response types, explore interactive scoring rationales and rubrics, and practice scoring on your own or with colleagues.

What Do Writing Tasks Measure?
Writing tasks challenge students to demonstrate critical thinking skills. In each task, students examine sources on a topic and write a response based on a specific purpose described in state academic standards. Read more about “purpose” under Terms to Know.
Writing tasks help educators measure students’ ability to write effectively for each purpose, using source material as appropriate, and to demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English.
Below is a description of each purpose, with links to access student responses or download scoring rubrics.
Grades 3-8Students may be expected to use the information in source materials as inspiration to write a story or capture the essence of an experience.
Informational / Explanatory
Grades 3-5Students may be expected to use source material to “inform” an audience about a topic.Explanatory
Grades 6-11Students may be expected to analyze source material to explain some aspect of a subject.
Opinion / Argumentative
Grades 3-5Students may be expected to form and defend an opinion, supported by information provided in source material.Argumentative
Grades 7-6Students may be expected to compose an argument, using evidence from source materials to form and support claims and (in grades 7 -11) counterclaims.
Start With These Student Responses
The exemplars shown below are a sampling of student responses across all three grade bands representing all four purposes. In the future, this space will be used to feature exemplars that illustrate new additions to the SmART app.