Example for Grade 5: Informational – Ready for a Nap - ID: 788
Ready for a Nap

Student Response
Have you ever wondered what animal hibernation does to animals? Something happens to animals while they are hibernating. Animal hibernation effects the animals heart beat, their body temperature, and what they eat.
Animal hibernation effects the animals heart beat. For example, in source 1 it says “Her (a female bear) heart rate would slow down from its usual 40 or 50 beats a minute to 10 or 12.” That detail tells me that during hibernation a animal’s heart beat slows down. In source 1 it says that “Her temperature would drop a few degrees, and she would breathe slowly, just as a person in a deep sleep would do. As well as people, bears/animals would drop a few degrees and would breathe slowly in a deep sleep/ hibernation. The heart is really important to animals and humans because it is what keeps use alive. In source 1 it also says “During hibernation, the woodchuck’s heart beat slows down from beating 80 times a minute to only 4 or 5 times.”
On the other hand, animal hibernation also effects the animal’s body temperature. For example, in source 1 it talks about how the body temperature is effected while hibernation. In source 1 it says “Skunks, raccoons, and a few others lower their body temperature a couple of degrees and breathe more slowly.” That tells me that when animals are hibernating their body temperature lowers, probably because they are not moving around and aren’t getting there body temperature flowing. It also says ” A woodchucks normal body temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit drops to 45 or 50 degrees.” Their body temperature dropped as did the heart at which their bodies burned calories.
Lastly, animal hibernation effects on what they eat. In source 1 it says “In order to survive weeks or months without food, most hibernating animals go on an eating binge in late summer and early fall.” That also tells me that they binge eat before going into hibernation to survive weeks or months without food. The fat that builds up throughout there body supplies energy and keeps them warm while they are asleep. It also says “The brown fat works like a fast food restaurant; it delivers quick energy whenever it is needed.”
Have you ever wondered what animal hibernation does to animals? Animal hibernation effects the animals heart beat, their body temperature, and what they eat. Animal hibernation is a really important event in a animals life cycle.