Example for Grade 11: Argumentative – 3D Printers - ID: 4279
3D Printers

Student Response
The 3D Printer is one of the greatest innovations yet. It is a manufacturing device that allows the user to create actual three-dimensional objects using a machine that sprays thin layers of hot plastic. However, the library is not an appropriate place for hosting the 3D Printer. The library should not purchase a 3D printer for use by the general public because it will bring unnecessary money and lawful provlems instead of educational benefits.
The installment of the 3D Printer in the library will bring financial issues that the library is better off not having. Each 3D Printer is a whopping $1,299 plus shipping which is just too costly. The library will have to spend money that is meant for books and other library utilities for a printer that does not belong in the library. This money could be spent on more book shelves, tables, desks, lighting, water, and more.
Another reason why the library should not have 3D Printers is because of the possible law issues it could bring. The 3D Printer will also bring issues that deal with copyright and patents. People who want to make copies of other things using this printer are at high risk of breaking the law. They could be copying other people’s work without their consent. They could not only get themselves into trouble, but also get the library into trouble. The library can avoid unneccessary lawsuits by not providing a 3D Printer to a community that may or may not know the law or when copyright does or does not protect an object.
The most significant reason why the library should not provide a 3D Printer is that it doesn’t fulfill the purposes of the library. The library’s main purpose is to help educate the public and provide the resources that the public needs to educate themselves as well. The 3D Printer does not do anything that will benefit its users educationally. It only promotes them to copy one another’s work.
Although there is a warning for the 3D Printer, or a caveat emptor, that is publicized to its users, most users could still violate the warnings and rules. Even though Source 4 says that most people can work out their problems if there are any, it is better to avoid any provlems overall. It even states that sometimes
the case of copyright and infringement does not work out. Despite Source 3’s statements of the government’s leniency toward 3-D printing violations, the government can still take serious action against its violators.
Ultimately, it is highly advised and imperative that the library does not have a 3D Printer. This is due to several reasons that could put the library and its visitors at risk. These reasons include possible law violation, unneccessary spending, and that it serves no educational purpose that the library is meant for.