Example for Grade 3: Narrative – Astronauts - ID: 622

Student Response
5 4 3 2 1 Blast off
It was that early october 26th morning when lilah ,Kailee and I boarded the spacecraft knowing that we might not come back to earth. Knowing that we were taking risk of life and death. When we were buckled in and ready to go the speaker read 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Blast off.And we felt like we were about to have a heart attack. We were flying to the moon and we were assigned to work on the ISS for repair.
We finally got to the moon. When we started to work we knew it would not be simple.On earth we discussed I was the leader lilah was our engineer and kailee was our food lady and our tools person .To keep us in good shape we had to workouts.One morning when I was eating breakfast I felt like I could not breath when I when,nt outside into space there were metal covers missing. Luckily we were prepared we had more metal covers so lilah ,Kailee and and me fixed it.
Finally we were heading home it was a long way home.We kept doing our jobs every day and night.We were headed for the ocean so we had to paricut when we saw no boat to paricut down to so we had to use are rescue boat. When we got home I felt ready to stay home.
That was amazing.I wonder if I’ll ever go to space again…………………