Example for Grade 11: Argumentative – 3D Printers - ID: 4296
3D Printers

Student Response
Dear whoever is concerned (Ms. librarian),
3D printers have many advantages that will greatly benefit the library users with the convenient production of useful tools. Providing access of 3D printers to library users will also encourage more people to take advantage of the public resources and help close the opportunity gap between different social economic statuses. Although some may frown upon the idea of spending a significant amount of money for such a modern technology due to concerns of intellectual property protection, it is evident that with the cautious operations of the library staff, the chances of intellectual property rights violation are low.
The benefit for the great majority significantly outweighs the slight chances that some intellectual property rights might be violated.
3D printers allow users to modifiy and creat three dimensional objects that gear toward the distinct purposes of the user. This personalization of objects, often times tools, makes 3D printers very useful. A library equipped with a 3D printer would be able to offer its vast population of library users a quick, personalized way to obtain a needed tool. While the 3D printer might be considerably expensive for an individual to purchase and utilize, the library could purchase such tool and provide the public with access to it. This new inexpensive way of fast production could provide users with personalized tools at the visit of the library, thus greatly increases the degree of convenience the library could offer to the public. Since the purpose of the library is to offer tools and information that may be hard to be obatained by individuals, the addition of a 3D printer fits in perfectly by providing more convenience than just paper and ink.
Providing access of a 3D printer to the public would also be likely to attract more people to use the public resources as well as benefit them with easily accessible tools and information. New technology always attracts the most intense attentions from the society. The presence of a fascinating new tool in the library woud prompt many to pay it a visit and discover so much more about the tremendous amount of free resources floating around in the library. Not only would the 3D printer offer a new option to tools production, but the attraction of the new technology would encourage more people who could not obtain the needed resources to visit the library and use it to their advantages. The addition of a 3D printer would completely transform the library from a place providing only information to a place providing both information and inexpensive tools productions. This transformation would make the library a place that strives to benefit the modern public by making modern pursuits.
Despite the many benefits of the 3D pritner, some opposes its use in libraries, raising questions of its potential misuse and its acutal purposes. The issues of intellectula property rights have long been troubling and ultimately insolvable, and the developement of 3D printing seems to present yet another significant threat to the already fragile state of rights protections. However, as a result of our current system of intellectual property rights, most objects produced by 3D printing would not be protected by intelectual prperty rights. This is due to the fact that such objects and useful tools would only be considered under the protection of the intellectual property rights if the copyright or an active patent protects them. The low numbers in such objects make violating intellectual rights via 3D printing unlikely.
To safeguard the intellectual rights of the third party, the library could adopt the systme of operations form DC Public Library where the staff members of the library have the only direct access to the printer. By having the staff members check and make sure that the object being printed does not present potential harm to others or violate third party rights, the threat of 3D printing is nonexistent.In this case, it would be only beneficial to the public and under normal circumstances harmful to no individual or party concerned.
The developement and usage of advanced technology always arouse arrays of emotions from the society. While it does take time for adjustment and adaptation, it is only wise to accept useful applications of these modern technologies. Providing the access of 3D printers in libraries with caution will only benefit the library users by providing them with the convenience of a new tool.
Sincerely, Name